Products Hysense

Healthy, high quality, special, tasty, popular, diverse and affordable

Kooshab Gharb Ilam Company as the largest producer of non-alcoholic beer, juices, beverages and… was established in 2009 on a land area of ​​25,000 square meters with the aim of producing healthy and competitive drinks with the necessary experience in Ilam province, Sarableh industrial zone. Hysense Company started its activity in the direction of producing beer, juices and energy drinks under the German license in specialized packaging of bottles (PET), glass (GLASS) and cans (CAN) and by purchasing and installing the best technologies in the world. From the German company (Krones Vipoll) with the installation of the most advanced quality management systems to improve the quality and health of products, prevent environmental pollution and increase the health of consumers, practically one of the few manufacturers in the industry, with Fully automatic packaging without human intervention and fully pasteurized in the country, with the brand ⭐ Hysense ⭐ continues its brilliant path with you, dear consumers.

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Communication with the company

Ways to communicate with Hysense Company

Factory address : Ilam - Sarableh - Shabab Industrial Zone - Kooshab Gharb Ilam Company

Head Office : Tehran, Ashrafi Isfahani Highway, Above Punak Intersection, Vahedi St. (7th), No. 66/66, 3rd Floor, Unit 7

Phone : 08434384215

fax : 08434384215

public relations :

Management :

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